HD Lab :: Embody Your Purpose

A deep dive into circuitry and incarnation cross to understand and live the full expression of your potential 

We are all multi-faceted in our gifts and desires. Our mix of gates, most importantly those in our Incarnation Cross, all fall into different themes which make up how we express our specific purpose in this design. Sometimes they're seemingly "in conflict" while at others they're complementary. 

In this Lab, we’ll go beyond the idea of purpose based on type alone or a few sentences about incarnation cross. We'll explore both the greater expression of how the incarnation crosses are organized and what that means, and your individuation process based on your unique mix of circuitry.

Other topics we’ll unpack: 

  • What parts of you are focused on community and honoring traditions (tribal) vs the need to be yourself (individual) vs observing the world around you and improving society (collective)? 
  • How do you experience and share these themes in your life? 
  • Are you here to begin things, build and develop them, or transform them? 
  • Why do some incarnation crosses sound similar? 
  • What’s the overall theme of your incarnation cross, and what roles does your incarnation cross play in the whole? 
  • How do areas in our design vulnerable to conditioning (splits, undefined centers) interact with how we express our purpose? 

In mastermind calls, you’ll get an opportunity to analyze your own purpose (or a client’s) through the lens of understanding your circuitry and incarnation cross. There will also be optional practice exercises given throughout the modules. 

This will also be an opportunity to embrace how vastly different each person's purpose is and to embrace your own sense of contribution and belonging.  


  • Four 90 minute modules, Tues 2pm Pacific*
    • 6/21 - Circuitry: An in-depth look into your multi-faceted purpose
    • 6/28 - Mastermind: How to embody and express the layers of your circuitry
    • 7/12 - Incarnation Cross: The legacy you're here to live and the role your gifts play in the collective 
    • 7/19 - Mastermind: How to experience the natural unfolding of your IC 
    • *Depending on the group, mastermind calls may be broken into two 45 minute calls across different days. While we do our best to accommodate different time zones/schedules, we make no promises that we can meet everyone’s scheduling needs. 
  • There will be a community Slack group for sharing and questions throughout the Lab. 


  • When will the calls be? 

Calls will be on Tuesday afternoons, Pacific time* 

*Depending on the group, mastermind calls may be broken into two 45 minute calls across different days. While we do our best to accommodate different time zones/schedules, we make no promises that we can meet everyone’s scheduling needs. 

  • What if I can’t make it live? 

All calls are recorded for replay, with lifetime access. 

Questions can be submitted in Slack before calls. 

Slack is a rich space to share your reflections, insights, and experience between calls. 

  • Refunds? 

There are no refunds. Please confirm with your strategy and authority this is an aligned decision before committing. 

  • Are payment plans available? 

Yes, please reach out if you’re interested in one! 

  • When does early bird pricing end? 

The early bird price of $1097 is available until end of day Wed 6/8. After that, enrollment is $1497.

  • Are there any prerequisites?

We ask that you can confidently say you understand the essence of your design and have been in the living, breathing practice of embodying your strategy and authority. You don’t have to be perfect at it (after all, no one is!), but you have the awareness of tracking yourself and what your definition vs openness in different centers feels like. You are also familiar with your profile and have at least a basic understanding of gates. 

While it’s not a hard requirement to have completed HDCC, there will be participants who have a comprehensive understanding of the human design system, so you should feel comfortable with this level of peer group. *This is not a space for learning the basics of your design.* 

If you're still unsure or have questions, please reach out to [email protected] 



$1,497.00 USD

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